Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Calcium & Vitamin D - To take supplements or not to take supplements?

My gynecologist advised me at my last annual exam to take supplemental calcium, vitamin D, and a multivitamin because of my age, not because of any specific information she had about my diet or bloodwork.

I am wondering what other people do? Do you take vitamins or supplements of some kind? Have you had your blood levels checked?

An article was posted on the NYTimes site about Calcium & Vitamin D daily levels and the question of supplements. Your thoughts?


1 comment:

  1. I generally take a multivitamin, and I notice when I don't, so I think that means it helps. Some say that even if you have a balanced and healthy diet, you still may (probably) be missing vital nutrients. I don't know about the extra calcium; I drink milk, eat a lot of cheese, etc. But I've recently started taking vitamin D supplements, especially for winter. It's supposed to help health and mood; vitamin D does all sorts of good stuff for us and we really miss that when there's no sun for such long periods (and even when there is we don't spend much time outside in it)... Otherwise, I'm consciously trying to eat more *real* fruits and veggies because they're also just yummy :)
